Sarah Gurev

Sarah Gurev

PhD Student in Computer Science


I am an MIT PhD student in Debora Marks lab (Harvard). I am interested in deep generative models of proteins, especially modeling viral and antibody sequences and structures. My research develops models to learn viral antibody escape by combining fitness models with biophysical and structural information. These models can be used to identify high escape variants and to design and test future-proof vaccines.

  • Machine learning for biology
  • Computational vaccine design
  • Viral evolution
  • Protein engineering
  • MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2023

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • BS in Computer Science, 2020

    Stanford University


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(2024). Alignment-based and protein foundation models for viral evolution, vaccines and vectors. Neurips Workshop on AI for New Drug Modalities.

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(2024). Future-proof vaccine design with a generative model of antibody cross-reactivity. ICLR Workshop on Generative and Experimental Perspectives for Biomolecular Design.

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(2024). Protein design for evaluating vaccines against future viral variation. BioRxiv.

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(2023). Learning from prepandemic data to forecast viral escape. Nature.

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(2023). Removing bias in sequence models of protein fitness. BioRxiv.

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